Join the vibrant tapestry of talents at Pride Corpus Christi, a celebration of love, acceptance, and the beautiful spectrum of identities that make up our community! Whether you dazzle the crowd in drag, serenade with soulful melodies, or have a unique act that sets you apart, we invite you to take the stage and shine your light at our event.

Pride Corpus Christi is on a mission to be more inclusive and accessible, making every shade of the rainbow visible and celebrated. This year, we’re opening our stage to the creative hearts who’ve always wanted to be a part of the Pride movement. It’s not just about the glittering performances, but the shared stories, the resonating messages, and the harmonious spirit of coming together as one community.

We believe that every act, every performance is a dialogue, a step towards a more accepting and united society. Your talent is a message of hope, a stride towards equality, and a celebration of our community’s diverse beauty.

So, if you’ve ever envisioned being a part of the Pride Corpus Christi performer lineup, now’s your chance! Fill out the form below, introduce yourself and your act, and let’s work together to create a mesmerizing and meaningful Pride celebration.

Each application is a step towards a grander, more inclusive Pride Corpus Christi. We’re excited to know you, to celebrate you, and to work as one vibrant community towards a bigger and better Pride celebration each year. Your expression is a treasure, and we can’t wait to experience the magic you’ll bring to Pride Corpus Christi!