Dive Into a Month of Celebration: Pride Corpus Christi’s Pride Month Events

Full Schedule (Official Events) June 3rd, 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM – Youth LGBTQIA+ Prom at the Coastal Bend Pride Center (‘Night Under the Sea’ theme) June 4th, 10:30 AM – Open and Affirming Sermon & Potluck at St. Paul United Church of Christ June 4th –...


Board President Speaks at Unitarian Universalist Church

Jonathan Swindle, the President of Pride Corpus Christi, recently spoke at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Corpus Christi, TX on February 26. The focus of his speech was on the future of Pride and the hurdles that must be overcome. Swindle also addressed the efforts being made at the...


Create A Trans-Friendly Community

As the transgender awareness movement continues to grow and become more visible, it’s important for communities to create safe spaces that are supportive and welcoming for people who identify as transgender. By taking these steps, we can create an inclusive environment for all, and send a...


Benefits to ‘Coming Out’ to Friends & Family

Coming out as LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual, plus other identities within the community) is a deeply personal decision, and only an individual can decide if and when to come out. However, there are some reasons why coming out can be an important and...


Ways to be an Ally in Corpus Christi, TX

It is important to understand and support the LGBTQIA+ community in Corpus Christi, Texas and everywhere else because all individuals deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. The LGBTQIA+ community has historically faced...


PRIDE Corpus Christi Receives CDC HIV/STD Testing Grant

PRIDE Corpus Christi has been awarded a ten-month grant from the CDC to expand local access to HIV/STD testing and prevention measures. By applying on our website, residents within the 12-county Coastal Bend region may receive at home test kits via postal mail. Tests for HIV and STDs may be...


Official Statement Advocating on Behalf of CCISD LGBTQIA+ Student Population

“As you are aware, we are here today to call on CCISD to act on protecting our LGBTQIA+ youth in their care with a diversity, equity and inclusion policy. An action already taken by many other public educational institutions in the State of Texas. However, it is evident that they have...


Now Accepting Applications for Parade & Block Party

After enjoying a fantastic week of festivities with the community in June, PRIDE Corpus Christi is excited to announce that the celebration continues with the return of our block party and parade on October 8, 2022! After a two-year hiatus to maintain social distancing and the safety of our...


Seeking Speaker Applications for TEDxColePark One Love

TEDxColePark One Love: Celebrating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging This event is a mission-driven gathering that will bring a shared experience of oneness and love. We believe that love is the most powerful element on this planet, and it is the invisible force that creates life and...


A Vital Resource: The Coastal Bend Pride Center

The Coastal Bend Pride Center is an organization that supports and advocates for the LGBTQIA+ community in Corpus Christi and the surrounding area. The organization provides a range of resources and support services for LGBTQIA+ individuals, including: Social and support groups: The Coastal...